Enhanced Cleaning Services & Updated Process

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On Cape Cod we all have our favorite signs of spring; my personal favorite is OPEN! This sign is appearing all over the Lower and Outer Cape at this time of the year in front some of my favorite restaurants and businesses. In Wellfleet over the past few weeks Van Renssalear’s, PJ’s and Mac’s Shack have all opened their doors for the 2018 season. It is great to have these fine local establishments as dining options.

It is also great to see the steady flow of cars on Route 6. People are returning to the Cape to check on their properties. You can definitely see the increased activity in Chatham, Harwich, Brewster, Orleans, Eastham, Wellfleet, Truro, and Provincetown.

The Furies has been busy helping people get ready for the rental and vacation season. We are providing thorough spring cleanings to establish a baseline of clean after the long winter hiatus.

Our Steam Cleaning crew is ready to bring your carpets, rugs, and upholstered furniture back to life. Call The Furies today and schedule your Hydro Power Steam Cleaning appointment. When we finish the hot water extraction cleaning, you will feel the difference in your home.

Let The Furies handle your linen needs.  We are the areas leading provider of sheets & towels to home owners that rent out their vacation properties. We have a wide selection of bed sheets, bathing and beach towels, and blankets. If you are renting a property and need of linens, call The Furies.  We deliver!